April Astronomy Night
The planets Jupiter and Mars will be visible in the SouthWest shortly after sunset. Europa (one of Jupiter's moons) will approach and transit mighty Jupiter at around 9:30. At approx. 9:58, Io (another of Jupiter's moons) will begin to pass from Jupiter's shaddow and into the sunlight. It only takes a little more than 3 minutes for Io to move into the sunlight and becomee fully illuminated. The Orion Nebula will still be visible in the southwest. Double stars Cor Caroli and Gamma Leonis will be visible. An amazing red supergiant carbon star called La Superba will be visible. Wonderful globular cluster M3 will also be visible. The Beehive, an open cluster in Cancer, will be observable as well as the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus and amazing open clusters M46 and M47 in Puppis. Planetary nebulae, like the Ghost of Jupiter (NGC3242) and the Cats Eye Nebula (NGC6543) will be visible. These are exploded star remnants.