7:45 PM19:45

April Astronomy Night

The planets Jupiter and Mars will be visible in the SouthWest shortly after sunset. Europa (one of Jupiter's moons) will approach and transit mighty Jupiter at around 9:30. At approx. 9:58, Io (another of Jupiter's moons) will begin to pass from Jupiter's shaddow and into the sunlight. It only takes a little more than 3 minutes for Io to move into the sunlight and becomee fully illuminated. The Orion Nebula will still be visible in the southwest. Double stars Cor Caroli and Gamma Leonis will be visible. An amazing red supergiant carbon star called La Superba will be visible. Wonderful globular cluster M3 will also be visible. The Beehive, an open cluster in Cancer, will be observable as well as the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus and amazing open clusters M46 and M47 in Puppis. Planetary nebulae, like the Ghost of Jupiter (NGC3242) and the Cats Eye Nebula (NGC6543) will be visible. These are exploded star remnants.

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8:15 PM20:15

May Astronomy Night

The planets Jupiter and Mars are visible soon after sunset. The planets Saturn, Neptune, and Venus are morning objects rising just before sunrise. The asteroid Vesta will be in the evening sky. Vesta will be an 8th magnitude object presenting a good opportunity to see an asteroid this evening. Objects to view will start with the globular cluster M5 (a giant sphere of stars), La Superba (a red, super giant star), M13 (Hercules Cluster) and M92 also globular star clusters and among the ones most easily visible in the northern hemisphere. NGC4563 the Cat's Eye Nebula will be excellent as will The Ring Nebula after 10:00pm. Both of these are beautiful remnants of sunlike stars which have died and blown off glorious shells of gas. We might also target galaxies such as M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy and M104 The Sombrero Galaxy.

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8:45 PM20:45

June Astronomy Night

The illusive planet Mercury will be visible for a short while after sunset in the SW. Mars will also be a good evening planet. Saturn, Neptune, and Venus will be visible in the morning sky before sunrise. The thin crescent moon will rise with Venus shortly before sunrise. Evening objects include the ghostly M57 (Ring Nebula), the remnants of a burned out, sunlike star,  beautiful blue & gold double star Albireo and many other double stars will be visible.  Fantastic globular clusters such as M13 (The Hercules Cluster) and M92 will grace the sky. Red Supergiant star La Superba and the amazing M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy will be visible. Nice open clusters NGC6819 (The Foxhead Cluster) and M71 (The Anglefish Cluster) will also grace the sky. 18 Scorpii, a near twin to the sun, will also be visible. This star is 45 lightyears away and shines at a barely visible magnitude 5.5, but is a nice object for the telescope. Realize the Sun would look this way to inhabitants of planets around this star in Scorpius.

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8:27 PM20:27

July Astronomy Night

Mars will be nice for early evening viewing. Saturn and Neptune will be only 1 degree apart and provide nice views once they rise high enough (after midnight). The crescent Moon rises after 1:30. The asteroid Vesta will be 157 million miles from earth, but will be in a good position for viewing as well. Once it gets dark enough, we will target the Garnet Star, a very red, super giant star and Gamma Delphini (a double star) and M4 (the Crab Globular Cluster) in Scorpius. M16 (the Eagle Nebula), M17 (the Swan Nebula), M20 (the Trifid Nebula), and M22 (the Sagittarius Cluster) will be among the featured objects along with many other oobjects, weather permitting.

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7:55 PM19:55

August Astronomy Night

Mars, Saturn and Neptune are the featured planets this evening. The crescent Moon will not be visible until after midnight. The other planets make morning appearances. Once the sky darkens, Saturn will be interesting with it's rings seen nearly edge-on. Other objects are M11 (Wild Duck Cluster, a wonderful open cluster), M13 (Hercules Cluster), M22 (Sagittarius Cluster), a very large globular cluster, Beta Scorpii (double star), the Garnet Star, one of the reddest known stars, and M52 (the Cassiopeia Salt-and-Pepper Cluster will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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6:59 PM18:59

September Astronomy Night

The planets Saturn and Neptune will put on a nice show once the sky darkens sufficiently, followed by Uranus after 10:00. M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M17 (Swan Nebula), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Erakis (The Garnet Star) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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6:12 PM18:12

October Astronomy Night

This will be a great evening to observe the planets Saturn, Neptune and later Uranus once it gets high enough above the horizon. Saturn will be an awesome sight with beautiful rings and 5 moons (Titan, Dione, Tethys, Rhea and with a little luck Mimas) all positioned nearby this great ringed planetary wonder. The rings will be nearly edge on. Other objects include beautiful double stars Albireo and Eta Cassiopeiae, the Double Cluster in Cassiopeia and NGC457 (ET Cluster), along with M15 (Pegasus Cluster) and NGC40 (the Bow Tie Nebula) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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4:39 PM16:39

November Astronomy Night

The planet Saturn will be in an ideal position this evening. It should be possible to glimpse 5 or more of Saturn's moons this evening. Of particular interest is to note the rings are seen edge-on. The moons of Saturn will be strung out in alignment with the rings. Neptune is close by Saturn. Uranus is near opposition and will be visible all evening long. Jupiter rises around 9:00 and will be a fine object shortly thereafter. Jupiter's moons (Io, Ganymede, Europa and Callisto) will put on quite a show this evening. Double stars, open clusters, NGC253 (Sculptor Galaxy), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), M2 (globular cluster in Aquarius) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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7:00 PM19:00

March Astronomy Night

Mighty Jupiter and Mars will be the first planets visible soon after sunset. Uranus will be visible once it gets dark enough to draw a bead on this denizen of the outer solar system. The Moon will be nearly full and also an excellent target after 9:00PM. Jupiter's Galilean moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) put on a splendid show. Evening objects include the fabulous Orion Nebula, the Double Cluster in Perseus, the beautiful double star Gamma Andromedae, the Beehive star cluster in Cancer, and the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. All make for interesting objects to observe. Of particular note is a Total Lunar Eclipse in the early morning of March 14. Deepest totality occurs at 2:00AM which totality lasting 65 minutes altogether and partial phase for 218 minutes.

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7:30 PM19:30

August Astronomy Night

Sunset at 7:52 pm. Objects such M11 (Wild Duck Cluster, a wonderful open cluster), M22 (Sagittarius Cluster), a very large globular cluster, Beta Scorpii (double star) along with the Lagoon, Swan and Trifid nebulas which will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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8:30 PM20:30

July Astronomy Night

Sunset at 8:32 pm. Once it gets dark enough, we will target the Garnet Star, a very red, super giant star and Gamma Delphini (a double star) and M51 (the Whirlpool Galaxy), a colliding pair of galaxies. These will be among the featured objects along with many other open clusters and globular clusters, weather permitting.

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8:30 PM20:30

June Astronomy Night

Sunset at 8:35 pm. The ghostly M57 (Ring Nebula), the remnants of a burned out, sunlike star,  beautiful blue & gold double star Albireo and many other double stars will be visible.  Fantastic globular clusters such as M13 (The Hercules Cluster) and M92 will grace the sky. Red Supergiant star La Superba and the amazing M104 Sombrerro Galaxy will be visible. The Cat’s Eye Nebula, another exploded star, will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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8:00 PM20:00

May Astronomy Night

Sunset at 8:18 pm. Objects to view will start with are the globular cluster M5 (a giant sphere of stars), La Superba (a red, super giant star), M13 (Hercules Cluster) also another globular but among the ones most easily visible in the northern hemisphere. M104 (The Sombrero Galaxy) will be excellent as will The Ghost of Jupiter, remnants of a super nova explosion along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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7:30 PM19:30

April Astronomy Night

Sunset at 7:39 pm. The double star Cor Caroli and wonderful globular cluster M3 will also be visible. Galaxies M51 (the Whirlpool), M101 (The Pinwheel) will also be excellent. The Beehive, an open cluster in Cancer, will be observable as well as the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. Planetary nebulae, like the Ghost of Jupiter and the Cats Eye Nebula will be visible. These are exploded star remnants.

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4:00 PM16:00

November Astronomy Night

Sunset at 4:37 pm. The crescent Moon will make for an amazing sight at sunset, afterwhich the planets will again dominate the evening sky. As soon as it gets dark enough, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus all put on a great show. Jupiter's moons (Io, Europa Ganymede and Callisto) are all in a line and nicely visible. Double stars, open clusters, NGC253 (Sculptor Galaxy), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), M2 (globular cluster in Aquarius) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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6:00 PM18:00

October Astronomy Night

Sunset at 6:11 pm. This will be a great evening to observe the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. Of particular interest will be a transit of Jupiter by Io which will begin at 7:30 and continue to 9:30, during which Io's eclipse shaddow should be visible in our telescopes. Saturn will also be an awesome sight with beautiful rings and 5 moons (Titan, Dione, Tethys, Enceladus and Rhea) strung out in a beautiful line. The first quarter Moon will also be an excellent object. Other objects include Eta Cassiopeiae (double star), NGC457 (ET Cluster), along with M15 (Pegasus Cluster) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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7:30 PM19:30

September Astronomy Night

Moved to Sept 23 because of rain on the 16th.

Sunset at 7:08 pm. Venus is a nice morning object, appearing as a 25% illuminated crescent. The planets Saturn and Neptune will put on a nice show once the sky darkens sufficiently, followed by Jupiter at 10:00 and Uranus shortly thereafter. M27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), M8 (Lagoon Nebula), M17 (Swan Nebula), M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), Erakis (The Garnet Star) will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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7:30 PM19:30

August Astronomy Night

Sunset at 7:52 pm. The Moon will be a thin crescent right after sunset with Mars and Mercury nearby, but very low in the sunward direction. Once Saturn rises after 9:00, the telescopes will provide nice views of the ringed planet. Neptune follows a bit later and Jupiter rises after midnight. Other objects are M11 (Wild Duck Cluster, a wonderful open cluster), M22 (Sagittarius Cluster), a very large globular cluster, Beta Scorpii (double star) along with the Lagoon, Swan and Trifid nebulas which will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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8:30 PM20:30

July Astronomy Night

Sunset at 8:32 pm. Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter & Uranus are nice moring objects along with a thin crescent Moon that rises jsut prior to sunrise. Immediately after sunset and with a little luck, Mercury may be visible for a few minutes. Venus and Mars will also be visible right after sunset. Venus displays a very nice, thin cresent in the telescope. Once it gets dark enough, we will target the Garnet Star, a very red, super giant star and Gamma Delphini (a double star) and M51 (the Whirlpool Galaxy), a colliding pair of galaxies. These will be among the featured objects along with many other open clusters and globular clusters, weather permitting.

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8:00 PM20:00

Illiniwek Campground

  • Illiniwek Forest Preserve Campground (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Moved to July 8th because of rain.

The Popular Astronomy Club is presenting a public astronomy observing program hosted by the Illiniwek Campground. Telescopes will be set up by sunset about 8:40pm with observing beginning after 9:00pm.

Black Hawk Hiking Club members are invited to attend a sunset hike at Illiniwek, starting from the campground at 8:25pm to the overlook, and returning about a half hour after sunset to the campground for astronomy viewing. The public is invited to participate in both the sunset hike and the astronomy program. The viewing will continue as long as visitors are present, or until about 11:30pm.

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8:30 PM20:30

June Astronomy Night

Sunset at 8:35 pm. Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus will be visible in the morning sky before sunrise. In the evening sky, Venus will be an interesting planet to observe as it will be a nice crescent shape in our scopes. The ghostly M57 (Ring Nebula), the remnants of a burned out, sunlike star,  beautiful blue & gold double star Albireo and many other double stars will be visible.  Fantastic globular clusters such as M13 (The Hercules Cluster) and M92 will grace the sky. Red Supergiant star La Superba and the amazing M104 Sombrerro Galaxy will be visible. The Cat’s Eye Nebula, another exploded star, will be among the featured objects along with many other beautiful deep sky objects that should be visible weather permitting.

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